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Re: Debian-Lex Rebirth? - python/perl/php?

Some worked others didn't.
I will get in to this when I
have my laptop back from the
repairman. I will try to make
a live cd so every body can see
what's Debian-lex is capable of.

Quoting Mechtilde Stehmann <webmaster@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de>:

Lexlist schrieb:
"But we also need a software which do what we want to do with the software"

That is why I started about python. Only think 'python' if you want to
find 'solutions'. If you are looking for a server for example to satisfy
the needs of lawyers, think to look for a python servers first.

"> Who used one of the programms listed in the wiki?"

I did.

Which one did you use? Can you describe what you had done with the
program? Most of them I tested I couldn't found how it should work.

I think then we need descriptions about each program.



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