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Re: Re: Re: Re: Debian-Lex very rough timeline

>I will certainly have to look into Italy's lawyer 
>document sharing practices. In the US, these types of 

If you need some documentation we could give it
(the italian "DOJ" still not fully published it).

>decisions on how to handle information sharing are 
>typically left up to the state governments. To
>my knowledge, there is nothing as advanced as using 
>XML and encryption standards to promote electronic 
>document sharing amongst lawyers in the US at this 
>time. Courts in my state (Ohio, US) are now requiring 

Well, here we'r not so REALLY advanced : the 
goverment, made available to all a program to 
test such a features but it's a WIN32 only 
application, and it creates an xml "template" 
to be processed by WORD, WINWORD ONLY, so 
we're working with some group of lawyers to 
manage it inside eLawOffice, and make it 
available on linux too, and without the need 
of Ms-Office.

I'm speaking with some OpenOffice developers 
to make this "xml-template-like" files working
under OpenOffice too, but we lack many 
informations about the full xml format being 
used by the goverment ( some people give it
us ;oP ) actually we do not fully understand
how object created from m$word and added to
this xml files could be managed outside word.

>documents to be submitted in MS Word format even, 
>which I think is a very bad idea because we have all 
>heard of the problems that MS Word documents have of 
>embedding document changes in the final document.
>(Which can result in your clients and others knowing 
>details about certain things - or other clients! - 
>that you don't want them to know about.)

yes, it's really awful :o)

but thinking about M$ we'r still not sure 
managing xml files inside M$-word could 
prevent users to add virus to the files,
SIGN 'em and encrypt 'em for a court.....
and this will be awfull too :o)

cya :o)

Diego Zanga
- Gestionale Studio Legale Open Source -

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