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Re: ad hoc license: is it DFSG-conformant ?

Jerome BENOIT <calculus@rezozer.net> writes:

> [1] https://packages.qa.debian.org/n/nauty.html
> [2] http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/nauty/COPYRIGHT.txt

It is very helpful to have the verbatim text of the license in the
discussion thread for reference. Here is the content of the
“COPYRIGHT.txt” document today:

This is the copyright notice for the software package Nauty and
Traces, versions 2.6 and later.

Four categories of software are included in the package:
A. All files not listed as B-D below, copyright Brendan McKay (1984-)
B. Files traces.h, traces.h and dretodot.c, copyright Adolfo Piperno (2008-)
C. File watercluster2.c, copyright Gunnar Brinkmann (2009-)
D. Files planarity.h and planarity.c, copyright Magma project,
   University of Sydney

Permission is hereby given for the use, distribution and
modification of this software subject to the following.
  * You must include this copyright notice with all distributed 
    copies of this software, including modified copies.
  * You must clearly mark modified versions of this software
    as differing from the original.

Regarding all the files in the package:
   This software is only provided "as is". No guarantee is made
   as to the suitability of this software for any purpose. No
   responsibility will be taken by the authors or their employers
   for any misfortune which befalls you because of its use. Your
   use of this software implies your agreement with this notice.

Brendan McKay: Australian National University; Brendan.McKay@anu.edu.au
Adolfo Piperno: University of Rome "Sapienza"; piperno@di.uniroma1.it
Gunnar Brinkmann: University of Ghent; Gunnar.Brinkmann@UGent.be
Magma Administration: University of Sydney; admin@maths.usyd.edu.au


Earlier (pre-2.6) versions of this package carried a different
notice: "Permission is hereby given for use and/or distribution
with the exception of sale for profit or application with nontrivial
military significance." These days most people use nauty via a
larger package such as Magma, Sage, or GAP, and often they don't
even know they are using nauty. Due to the legal nonsense that
large package distributors need to worry about, it has proved too
much trouble to maintain an idiosyncratic licence. I didn't change
my opinion about military use, but it is no longer part of the
formal notice. Brendan McKay (Jan 20, 2016)

 \        “Laurie got offended that I used the word ‘puke’. But to me, |
  `\                 that's what her dinner tasted like.” —Jack Handey |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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