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Re: Review licensing for libgeo-coordinates-osgb-perl

On Wed, 8 Aug 2012 21:58:40 +0100 Dominic Hargreaves wrote:

> The above package (currently at [1] but not uploaded) has had some
> problems identified with the licensing of some of the components. As
> you can see from the bug report[0] I've tried to work them out with the
> copyright[2] holder of the components and they (the Ordnance Survey,
> the national mapping agency in GB) have been very helpful, however I'm
> not sure whether I'm going to get the perfect answer from them.

First of all, thanks for dealing with this issue seriously and for
trying to obtain a DFSG-free license for the data.

> I'd be grateful if someone could review the exchange in the bug report
> and suggest the best course of action. I'm not that keen to prolong the
> exchange with upstream, so if it's not considered okay in main with what
> we have I am tempted to put it in non-free and just live with it.

I took a look at the bug log [0] and it seems to me that what they
say is pretty clearly that they want to restrict modifications
(see message #41 of the bug log):

| The data can be modified "to fit" but as long as it produces
| the same result at the end.

This does not look like anything compatible with Free Software, at
least to me. It seems that this restriction conflicts with DFSG#3.

If this is confirmed and you don't manage to persuade them to be more
permissive, I am afraid that the package will have to go in non-free,

> Thanks,
> Dominic.
> [0] <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=664558>
> [1] <http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-perl/packages/libgeo-coordinates-osgb-perl.git;a=summary>
> [2] I used the term loosely as it's not obvious to me that the data in
> question is copyrightable

I don't know whether the data in question are actually copyrightable or
not. But please remember that there also exist database rights and
other means to restrict our freedom (unfortunately!).

I also wonder whether we are talking about an actual collection of
mapping data or about a set of mathematical formulas and/or an
I was under the impression that mathematical formulas and algorithms
could not be covered by copyright or even by database rights.
I thought that only patents (and only in some jurisdictions) could
restrict procedures and algorithms, but this is a whole different can of

Anyway, I'll leave this to real lawyers (which I am not!) to comment

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