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Re: Question about GPL and DFSG Compatibility of a Proposed Amendment to the W3C Document Licence

On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 10:33:36 -0700 (PDT) Walter Landry wrote:

> Francesco Poli <invernomuto@paranoici.org> wrote:
> > ...as far as I understand, Eben Moglen believes Option *3* to be
> > GPL-compatible (see the message that started this thread).
> > Now we are talking about Option 2.
> Actually, in the referenced web page
>   http://www.w3.org/2011/03/html-license-options.html
> there is the claim
>   Views within the PSIG differ on how each license satisfies each use
>   cases. The primary sources of disagreement relate to one's view of
>   the following:
>     * the GPL-compatibility of a license. Note: Eben Moglen has stated
>       that he considers Options 2 and 3 to be GPL-compatible.

Ouch!   :-(
I hadn't noticed that.
Thanks for pointing it out!

This makes things even more puzzling than before.

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