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Re: Redistribution of graphics that includes Gentoo logo

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On Sun, Jul 01, 2007 at 09:59:02PM +0200, Krzysztof Burghardt wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'd like to ask if Debian packages can include graphic that includes
> Gentoo logo.
> And if so which conditions those packages need to meet. Gentoo logo artwork
> license is available at http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/name-logo.xml
> I'm asking about this because Gentoo logo have two different license
> for commercial
> and not commercial use. And I decided to remove GRUB splash screen that 
> shows
> Gentoo logo form grub-splashsimages package, as it was requested in bug 
> #266480.
> Unfortunately it breaks GRUB installation that uses this logo. I'd
> like to add it back.
> This artwork is still in stable version of grub-splashsimages.
> Regards,

I'm not sure about the legality issues, but couldn't you just include an
image under the same filename as the Gentoo splashimage, but have it not
include the Gentoo logo? Like maybe replace it with an image that says
"Gentoo logo removed due to license restrictions", or something.

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http://digital-haze.net/~pobega/ - My Website
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