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Re: License missing in the tarball but present on the website

>On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 12:24:26PM +0200, Gonéri Le Bouder wrote:
>If the project is relatively fast moving and vdrift is
>in etch, it might be a good idea to package it with the tarball updated
>to reflect the licence change for etch r1 whenever that occurs and ask
>for it to be put into stable-proposed-updates. This would cover all 
>bases: anyone who had got vdrift from r0 would be made aware: anyone
>who installed from r1 onwards would automatically get the changed 
>licence terms.
The concerned tarball is not in Etch.

>Any lenny / sid package would just be packaged with the new licence.
>> My question is: in the debian/copyright, is it possible to refere to a
>> license that is on a website or in an archived mailing list.
>I don't think that's adequate, unfortunately. What if I install from 
>CD and have no 'Net access?
Upstream published an errata on the website. The don't have a gpg key to
sign the post:

I will copy the post in the debian/changelog with a link to the website.
Is it enough?

Best regards,


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