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Re: Clickthrough for GPL

On 6/29/07, Ben Finney <bignose+hates-spam@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
The problem comes when the installer refuses to install the work
without receiving acceptance of the GPL; this goes against what the
license says (i.e. that even a person who says "no" to such a question
has the right to install and use the work.

I think it's really just that installer software like InstallShield
have a EULA page by default, and the authors/Win32 packagers decide to
display the GPL in there. It's not so much of an issue for NSIS as
it's more flexible, but I think it's just default settings designed
for proprietary software.

I suppose you could bypass the license acceptance step by running the
setup program with /q switches (i.e. silent mode install) if you
really wanted to.

Andrew Donnellan <><
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