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Re: Copyright verification needed

On 6/28/07, Bruno Costacurta <pubmb01@skynet.be> wrote:

Well, the project team was thinking about something like
an 'advertising-special-exception-whatever-clause'.
Something acceptable is a such direction by sirs FSF, GPL and others ? ;-(

As Josselin pointed out, anything with Qt and OpenSSL is unusable.

It doesn't matter what you do with your own application's license - it
doesn't even need to be changed for OpenSSL as it's a non-copyleft
revised BSD license. However, you also use Qt, and you can't change
the license or add an exception to Qt. Only Trolltech can, as they're
the copyright holder.

So, you have three choices:
 * Convince the OpenSSL developers to relicense - difficulty: pretty
much impossible
 * Use GNUTLS instead - difficulty: depends on what the app actually does
 * Stop using Qt - which could make the app pointless (if the app was
developed specifically for Qt environments or something) or require a
rewrite of all the GUI code at the least.

Andrew Donnellan <><
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