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Re: Copyright verification needed

On 6/24/07, Bruno Costacurta <pubmb01@skynet.be> wrote:
Many thanks for your attention.
I checked more closely the licenses related to OpenSSl and Trolltech
which I found within related Debian packages I install to build my own
(please find both licenses attached).
My personal feeling is that they looks fine.

Maybe I should simply complete my first copyright file by adding licenses
OpenSSL and Trolltech (I repeat: both present in their respective Debian
packages) ?
I suppose I can rely on the fact that because such licenses are already
present in other debian packages I can build my own with same licenses.
Correct ?

The Trolltech license is still a problem, since it's GPL, and OpenSSL
cannot be linked to a GPL program (quoting from

The license of OpenSSL is a conjunction of two licenses, one of them
being the license of SSLeay. You must follow both. The combination
results in a copyleft free software license that is incompatible with
the GNU GPL. It also has an advertising clause like the original BSD
license and the Apache license.
We recommend using GNUTLS instead of OpenSSL in software you write.
However, there is no reason not to use OpenSSL and applications that
work with OpenSSL.

It is incompatible because there is an advertising clause and a
name-change clause, both of which make it impossible to link to a GPL

I think you'd need to do one of the following:
  * not use OpenSSL
  * convert the OpenSSL code to use GNUTLS
  * or get a GPL exemption from Trolltech, which you most likely
won't be able to.

Can another d-l regular confirm?
Andrew Donnellan <><
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