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Re: Debian-approved creative/content license?

On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 10:54:33 +0100 Ismael Valladolid Torres wrote:

> In the case of artistic creation it also happens that one can't tell
> where "source" ends. Take as an example a photography. The "source" of
> the photography involves the place where it was taken. But not only,
> it also involves the daylight the picture was taken with, the people
> passing by, why not also the inspiration of the photographer.

You're talking about the *means and objects* preferred for *retaking*
the photo from scratch.
The source is instead the preferred *form* (of the photo) for making
*modifications* to it.  The place where a photo was taken is *not* a
form of the photo!  Nor are the people passing by!
In most cases, source for a photo is the form in which it is downloaded
from the digital camera; or some other format, if one prefers using that
format in order to modify the image...  The key word is "modify", not
"recreate" from scratch.

> I insist, artistic creations can't use the same licenses as
> documentation or software.

I disagree: any software work[1] can be released under the terms of
well-drafted licenses (such as the GNU GPL v2, the Expat/MIT license,

[1] I use the term "software" in its broadest meaning, see

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