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Re: [OT] Re: Please fix broken MUAs, was: GFDL v2 draft 1 analysis [long]

On Sat, 30 Dec 2006 19:25:08 +0100 Pierre Habouzit wrote:

>   the usual rule on lists I'm on, is that when M-F-T is set, it's what
> should be used. Though, when none is set, you should assume the guy
> who you are answering to is not subscribed, and politeness ask you to
> set the Cc:

This does _not_ seem to be the case for Debian mailing lists: the code
of conduct[1] states

|  * When replying to messages on the mailing list, do not send a carbon
| copy (CC) to the original poster unless they explicitly request to be
| copied.
|  * If you send messages to lists to which you are not subscribed,
| always note that fact in the body of your message.

[1] http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct

So, please, do not Cc: me, unless I explicitly ask you to do so!

But it is also tradition that times *must* and always
do change, my friend.   -- from _Coming to America_
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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