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Re: Distributing GPL software.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 09:44:32PM +0000, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Is there any way out of this? I'm not modifying the source at all. I 
> just download the tar.gz file and put it on a CD.
> Does this clause mean that everyone who is giving out OpenOffice or 
> Knoppix CDs is breaking the law?

You aren't required to give copies of the source to
everybody. However, if somebody gives you a Knoppix CD, and you ask
for the source, and they *refuse* (and don't exercise any of the other
options either), then they would be breaking the law.

This is also the easiest way to deal with your case - have copies of
the source on hand, and give them to anybody who asks for them
(charging extra for the extra media). Most people probably won't

Pointing to a third party website is not explicitly prohibited but
it's also rather dubious. Particularly if it's one of ours - we do
*not* normally provide source for a period of three years or
longer. And you've got no way to guarantee that the site will be there
for that long.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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