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Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

On 2004-07-13 21:39:31 +0100 Francesco Poli <frx@firenze.linux.it> wrote:

I agree. Focussing on packages only would require too many analyses,

Are you claiming that "this package fails to follow for the same reasons as that one" requires more analyses than analysing the licence and then "this package fails to follow because it is only under licence L"? I remind you, we still should check the packages if asked. In fact, I think if there are n packages under some combination of that licence, we do at most n analyses if we mainly analyse packages and n+1 if we analyse the licence first. Marginal, but possibly still significant, for some.

We must also collect some sort of license database, so as we can say
"this package is solely under the L license, hence it cannot be
DFSG-free for sure".

What does this do that a database of summaries indexed by licence wouldn't?

[...] would be a waste of time if we had to review the
same licenses again and again or to dig in the archives to recall if
some old package in a similar situation was judged free or not...

This is where we are at the moment. I thought the summaries were an attempt to reduce the digging, but they seem to have drifted.

MJR/slef    My Opinion Only and not of any group I know
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