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Re: A radical approach to rewriting the DFSG

Scripsit Raul Miller <moth@debian.org>

> You might want to add a general statement about optional clauses which
> require release-time steps from the "author", which would cause problems
> if invoked, but which haven't been invoked.

I had hoped that the general approach would make this unnecessary -
the text ought to be framed such that it speaks only of the freedom of
the actual license grant made by the author. It does not even [1]
consider the question of a generic license *text* being free or not.

[1] I.e.: if it does it is a bug.

Henning Makholm             "Jeg forstår mig på at anvende sådanne midler på
                           folks legemer, at jeg kan varme eller afkøle dem,
                    som jeg vil, og få dem til at kaste op, hvis det er det,
                  jeg vil, eller give afføring og meget andet af den slags."

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