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Re: A radical approach to rewriting the DFSG

Henning Makholm wrote:
Scripsit Raul Miller <moth@debian.org>

You might want to add a general statement about optional clauses which
require release-time steps from the "author", which would cause problems
if invoked, but which haven't been invoked.

I had hoped that the general approach would make this unnecessary -
the text ought to be framed such that it speaks only of the freedom of
the actual license grant made by the author. It does not even [1]
consider the question of a generic license *text* being free or not.

Maybe an explicit statement of this point would be a useful addition, possibly in the introduction?

" The /license/ means the authors' act of granting of basic rights and possibly other rights on specific conditions."

" The /license/ means the authors' act of granting of basic rights and possibly other rights on specific conditions. Note that the /license/ is the terms of the /license text/ as interpreted by the author, _not_ the terms of the /license text/ as interpreted by any third-party. Any /license text/, even if free when interpreted in the most common manner, may be interpreted by the author in such a way as to make the /license/ non-free. "

[1] I.e.: if it does it is a bug.

Lewis Jardine

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