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Re: The draft Position statement on the GFDL

Scripsit Raul Miller <moth@debian.org>
> On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 02:56:18PM +0100, Henning Makholm wrote:

> > The point of the sentence is that the GDFL as applied to the GNU
> > manual requires me to make a factually incorrect claim. I agree that
> > it is tangential what this claim is precisely, but I had to spell it
> > out because you seemed to claim that the cover texts would not become
> > factually incorrect.

> I fail to see the required factual inaccuracy.

Then I repeat: It is factually inaccurate that the FSF makes money
from selling hardcopies of the derivate we are speaking about.

> > That is irrelevant. I am not talking about combining the pre-existing
> > works of multiple authors. I am talking about deriving a BSD manual
> > from a GNU one.

> In this case, "the gnu one" is a pre-existing work, and "a bsd manual"
> is a work combining the works of multiple authors.

Yes, but it is not a compillation of independent parts.

Henning Makholm        "Jeg køber intet af Sulla, og selv om uordenen griber
                    planmæssigt om sig, så er vi endnu ikke nået dertil hvor
                   ordentlige mennesker kan tillade sig at stjæle slaver fra
 hinanden. Så er det ligegyldigt, hvor stærke, politiske modstandere vi er."

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