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Re: WARNING: Crypto software to be included into main Debian distribution

Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> wrote:
> I'm also not really sure why everyone wants to make this into such a big
> thing. Seriously: everyone putting their 2c in just isn't useful. It
> might be fun for you, but it's a nuisance and a waste of time for the
> people who're actually trying to get some work done. If you've got some
> $100 comments, then sure, we're all ears, but if you're just looking
> for some excuse to "contribute", and if you're not even trained in the
> subject, well don't. Write some code instead.

A substantial change is being made to the way Debian distributes its
software, and you're complaining that people are discussing it?

> To reiterate: at the moment, Debian is being crippled by the lack of
> integrated cryptography.

It does suck that Debian doesn't have integrated crypto.  I never
claimed otherwise.  I live in the US and I hate it.  But that doesn't
change the fact that I can't export code to people and say, "Do
whatever you want with it."  The law prevents me, and it prevents

> Since the entire point of US mirrors is to make Debian available to
> US citizens, and that this doesn't interfere at all with what non-US
> mirrors do, this isn't considered a problem.

If the software was only made available to US citizens, then there
would be no issue.  However, how do you think that the non-US mirrors
get their copies?

> If you have anything worthwhile to add to this, then please, add
> it. If you're just personally offended by the prospect of obeying US
> law, well, that's fine, whatever. You're not a developer, and you're
> welcome to think whatever you want.

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to explicitly
attack me personally, rather than the arguments I give.  People seem
incredibly uppity about this whole subject, including yourself,
Anthony.  Probably because having a separate non-US does suck,
people want to fix it, and people don't care about bomb makers.

> Please don't waste everyone's time by trying to twist the social
> contract into an excuse to make Debian adopt your personal
> prejudices though.

I've never mentioned the social contract.  I'm actually more concerned
with the various licenses that we distribute code under that don't
allow us to add additional use restrictions.

Walter Landry

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