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Re: license requirements for a book to be in free section

On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 03:45:40PM +0100, Henning Makholm wrote:
> I hoped I made it clear that I'm unsure about the necessity of that.
> I'm soliciting comments from other debian-legal people.

I get an answer from O'Reilly, they told me that in their opinion the
reported notice (i.e. the text they want to appear in the debian package
that I reported in the first mail) is enough to meet the DFSG

They also told me that they don't want to allow the commercial
distribution of the book, anyway again in their opinion this doesn't
violate the DFSG.

This is a quoting from the O'Reilly editor about this:

   We consider that in the DFSG phrasing, the endeavor of the user is
   *preexistent* to the use of the document (which is OK for us), while
   the FDL virtually allows that the use of the document may become the
   endeavor itself (which we are not ready to agree with).

They also suggest me to freely rewrite their notes to make them clearer
(obviously without changing their requirements).
So I'm in doubt on two points now :(
1) may I put the book in free section
2) have I to rewrite in some manner the notes, or them are ready to be
put in a "copyright" file?

Tnx again, cheers.

Stefano "Zack" Zacchiroli <zack@cs.unibo.it> ICQ# 33538863
Home Page: http://www.cs.unibo.it/~zacchiro
Undergraduate student of Computer Science @ University of Bologna, Italy
                 - Information wants to be Open -

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