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Re: KDE not in Debian?

Raul Miller wrote:

> You don't see what the problem is.
> You *refuse* to accept even bug fixes that are GPLed, but you don't see
> what the problem is.
> I take it that there's no basis for your refusal then?

I think we're talking two languages here. I would have to refuse any
GPLd bugfix since it would be applied *inside* my application. I would
be forced to distribute my own application according to your terms. This
is legally untenable. To accept a GPLd bugfix is to change my license.
Accepting a modification that resided only in a separate source file may
be a different matter though, and I would be open to discuss such a
scheme with a submitter.

Would you accept a QPLd bugfix to a LGPL library?

The KDE/Qt situation is much different. Qt is outside of KDE. They have
distinct copyright holders. They only make contact through dynamic
linkage. The QPL does not impose its own license terms upon applications
that link to it (only that they be open source). Accepting a QPLd bugfix
to Qt does not suddenly make KDE a QPLd application. If Troll Tech
chooses to only accept bugfixes assignable to Troll Tech, it affects
nobody but Troll Tech.

David Johnson

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