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Re: Your petition to GPL Qt

      The Debian project
    is huge now, we are finding that some mirrors are mirroring only part of
    the distribution, often just the binaries for certain architectures
    because they just don't have that many gigabytes of HD space.  It could
    be argued that you can still get the source "from the same place" (the
    internet--specifically one of the primary Debian mirrors and most of the
    others) but as I recall the GPL isn't really written to count the net as
    a distribution channel anyway.

This issue first arose several years ago, and the resolution was, it
is ok to place just the binary on your ftp site, provided you specify
where to find the corresponding source version.

But you can't just pick some place that has the source TODAY, and hope
they won't delete it.  You must make an explicit arrangement with the
source site, to assure that the source WILL be present there
for as long as you keep the binary on line.

It would be good for the Debian project to remind mirrors
about this.  If the main Debian site wants to be the source site
for the binary mirrors, it can that.

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