25-03-2013 19:33, Freddy Van Ingelgom escreveu:
I installed Debian Wheezy on a desktop computer and it simply
works great! Congrats go to the developers!
I am thinking of replacing Xubuntu 12.10 on my Dell Inspiron 1750
labtop also with this Debian Wheezy.
Before making this decision, I like to know if someone has some
experience with the Broadcom BCM4312 wireless of this laptop.
On Ubuntu this was a painful thing: altough things go a little bit
better the last few weeks, I regularly lose my wireless connection
and have then to put down the network (on the labtop) and put it
on again to have connection again.
Is there a good driver around these days for this hardware?
Thanks for the highly appreciated help!
Hi Freddy.
I have a Dell Vostro 3500 with Debian Wheezy and the Broadcom
BCM4312 wireless works without any problems. You need only install
the firmware (firmware-brcm80211 ) and have fun.
[]'s and good luck.