Re: Multimedia/Volume Keys Not Working
On 14 February 2013 14:31, Andrey Rahmatullin <> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 01:57:25PM +0000, Harvey Kelly wrote:
>> I'm reluctant to label this as 'solved' as it seems the problem lays
>> with WindowMaker/WPrefs, meaning I have to put these three commands...
>> amixer set Master 2%+
>> amixer set Master 2%-
>> amixer set Master toggle
>> ... in menu items and bind shortcut keys to them, which is maybe only
>> semi-solved?
> If you don't already have a daemon that can listen to multimedia keys you
> can use xbindkeys.
Yeah, I tried xbindkeys (it didn't work). In WindowMaker I ran this command:
xev | grep -A2 --line-buffered '^KeyRelease' | sed -n '/keycode
/s/^.*keycode \([0-9]*\).* (.*, \(.*\)).*$/\1 \2/p'
Which gave me the output:
123 XF86AudioRaiseVolume
122 XF86AudioLowerVolume
121 XF86AudioMute
So the keys are being recognised with xev, just not picked up by
WindowMaker, whereas they are by Fluxbox. (My understanding is that
xbindkeys is used when say XF86AudioMute doesn't correspond to muting
the sound.)
Anyway, a few days ago I did try xbindkeys, and nothing happened with the sound.
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