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Re: Multimedia/Volume Keys Not Working

Hi Matthew,

On 12 February 2013 19:50, Matthew Dawson <matthewjd@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think your problem may occur because you have nothing listening to those key
> strokes.  Gnome, Xfce 4, and other DE's have programs that listen for those
> key presses and respond accordingly.  It shouldn't be realted to either ALSA
> or pulseaudio.  Do you have an appropriate program running that listens to
> them (I've never used Windowmaker, so I don't know what it would use)?

Ah I see - sorry, that seems obvious now! No, I don't have anything
waiting to listen for keystrokes, I thought that facility came
directly from the kernel not the DE? And yup, I made sure I had the
right keyboard selected via dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration.

I've got a work-around functioning:
Using WPrefs I put the following commands...

amixer set Master 2%+
amixer set Master 2%-
amixer set Master toggle

... in menu items and bound shortcut keys to them. Frustratingly there
doesn't seem to be a config file for Windowmaker to add keyboard
shortcuts, everything has to be done through WPrefs (modifying
pre-existing ones).


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