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Re: TP Z61m Flash and Java slow

thank you,

but "dpkg -l|grep flash" returns nothing.
also none of the packages are installed (using gnome):

gnash - free SWF movie player
gnash-common - free SWF movie player - common files/libraries
gnash-common-opengl - free SWF movie player - common files/libraries
gnash-cygnal - free SWF movie player - Media server
gnash-opengl - free SWF movie player
gnash-tools - free SWF movie player - Command-line Tools
klash - free SWF movie player - standalone player for KDE
klash-opengl - free SWF movie player - standalone player for KDE
konqueror-plugin-gnash - free SWF movie player - Plugin for Konqueror
mozilla-plugin-gnash - free SWF movie player - Plugin for Mozilla and derivatives

Klaus Ade Johnstad wrote:
Søndag 14. desember 2008 12:17, skrev J.Keßler:
- But I have noticed that Flash applications in Firefox (Iceweasel)
are slow and sometimes not loading.
- And then I habe a big play button on each flash object, which I
have to click fist before the slash elements are activated. This is
somethings useful but it would be nice to know where I can deactivate

This is because you are using Gnash, to check just do a "dpkg -l|grep flash" and you will see Gnash. If you want to use the Macromedia Flash Player, then have a look at http://wiki.debian.org/FlashPlayer

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