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Re: Thanks for the great system / installation successfull report

If you read the window EULA, it is said, if I remember well, that if you don't agree to the terms of the licence you have to reject it and send the licences back "for a complete refund". Normally the refund is available to any purchaser of a machine with wiondows (or other microsoft software) bundled with it, and I suppose the refund thing applies to whatever software you don't want that is pre-installed on your  brand new machine. Provided you didn't ran / register the programs, getting refunded should be simple. The problem is more that with some companies asking nicely doesn't seem enough. I haven't yet tried to get any refund for software I didn't wanted (didn't pay attention to it at the time) but, from what i've read, it seems that most EULAs offer refund but that the people you get on the phone / you mail to have (obviously) to persuade you that it's not a good idea, that their soft could be usefull to you [blah blah blah .....], so it's better to know who to talk to and to locate the EULA fragment talking about the refund before trying to get you money back =).


On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 12:08 PM, Luis Motta Campos <luismottacampos@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Thibaut Paumard wrote:
> Le 13 mars 08 à 11:31, Luis Motta Campos a écrit :
>>   I would like to report a big success here. I recently got a HP 6710b
>> laptop and (as usual) didn't agreed with the Windows License terms and
>> conditions (so I can send it back and get the license money).
> Are you being serious about getting your money back? Are you successful
> in it in the UK?

I don't  know about the UK. I sent them back my licenses in the
Netherlands, where I live now. I told them in a very formal letter that
I didn't agreed about the terms and conditions, and, as I never used the
licenses (it was a new computer) I got my money back.

I recommend everybody to at least try. :) It's not possible that the
only way to buy computers is swallowing licenses we will not use.
Luis Motta Campos (a.k.a. Monsieur Champs) is a software engineer,
Perl fanatic evangelist, and amateur {cook, photographer}

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La vie est une des plus dangereuses activités qui soit, j'en veux pour preuve que personne n'en n'est jamais ressorti vivant ... =)
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