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Re: laptop performance

On Friday 30 December 2005 22:40, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
> Frans Pop on Friday 30 Dec 2005 23:07 wrote:
> > Please do not post the same question to two (or more?) different
> > lists at the same time. That is not very nice and does not conform to
> > generally accepted mailing lists policy.
> I thought only posting the same message at the same time (Using TO and
> CC) to two lists was bad.

Well, you basically did the same thing by posting the same question to two 
lists almost simultaneously (they arrived in my mail client at the same 
time anyway).

> BTW, What the general rule of posting in such cases ?

You pick the list that is most suitable for your question or where you 
think the chance of a good response is highest. Then you wait for 
answers... And maybe wait a bit longer... And then, if you have not 
gotten a (useful) answer, you maybe start thinking of asking the question 
again on another list.

BTW. On a high volume list you're allowed to wait a bit shorter than on a 
low volume list. (For me personally, minimum waiting time is at least a 

> Also in case someone wants a quick reply, this doesn't work because not
> everyone is willing to monitor debian-user, for example.

Well, the problem is that there is no such thing as a guarantee of a quick 
reply anyway, so "needing it" is rather irrelevant.
Pissing off people who read mailing lists by not following list policy is 
a bad way to get good replies (quick or otherwise) IMO.


P.S. /me is not pissed off; just noticed you doing it and thought to warn 
you for the future. It did make me delete the question without really 
reading it though.

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