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Re: GRUB restore [SOLVED]

Thanks to all, I solved the problem.

The solution used was send by Yan Falken:

- boot from CD
- mount your debian partition
- chroot into your debian partition
- mount /boot if neccessary
- reinstall grub ( f.e. grub-install /dev/hda)

But my laptop uses SATA and my "devs" don't use devfs, at this point only FC4 "rescue CD" help to me with this.

I tried debian 3.1 CD's, RHES 3.0, KNOPPIX 4.0 before the FC4 rescue CD.

I think normal hard disks uses scsi or ide drivers (more standard and without issues), but in this case the FC4 kernel loads the drivers and mount my partitions in the same place as my "personalized" 2.6.x kernel.

I think with some kernel parameters any of tried distros CD's will help too, but I haven't necesary knowledge to put needed parameter into "boot" options.

Again: thanks to all.

Matthew Hon escribió:

I encountered the same problem too. Here is the link on how to do it:
But first you have to get access into your filesystem system. To do that,
I created a grub bootable cd:
The CD allowed me to boot to my debian interactively (http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#GNU_002fLinux). So once i boot into my debian i used grub-install to get my GRUB bootloader installed into the MBR. The bootable CD will also allow you to boot many other OSes interactively besides win and debian if you have then. It will come in handy. You can read about GRUB and bootloaders: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html
Its really helpful.

On 12/13/05, *D. Frye* <dafr@peakpeak.com <mailto:dafr@peakpeak.com>> wrote:

    On Tue, Dec 13, 2005 at 03:07:31PM +0100, Samuel D?az Garc?a wrote:
    } I have a dual XP PRO + DEBIAN 3.1 on my laptop.
    } I had some days ago to reinstall XP PRO with the lost of my grub
    } and my debian partition is there, I have not lost it.
    } I have mi "personalized kernel", X, apps, etc.... inside my debian
    } partition.
    } Can anybody say me how can I restore the "grub bootup" to allow me to
    } start XPPRO and DEBIAN 3.1 again?
    } Any link/HOWTO?

    At the risk of sounding too terse, try "man grub-install". I recently
    went through this as well. Boot off a rescue CD of your choice, mount
    the root filesystem and chroot to that mount. From there, you can
    restore the MBR to the proper device.



    D. Frye
    dafr AT peakpeak.com <http://peakpeak.com>

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