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Re: Floppy installation

Laurent CARON wrote:

jean-jaques@women-at-work.org a écrit :

I have a pretty old Toshiba Sattelite laptop. It doesn't have a NIC and it doesn't have a cd drive either. I was wondering if it is possible to get a
complete floppy installation of a debian system. I already have the boot
floppy and the root floppy.

You can boot a netinstall with a floppy (packages are fetched over the network).


Laurent, did you read the question at all?

I doubt your answer will help in JJs case.

@JJ: Dont be disappointed by such kind of answer. People tend to not
read. Instead get your hands on DamnSmallLinux or muLinux. These will
help as you can install them from disk - and on Low-Ram machines.

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