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Re: Battery life recovery - Everyone suggesting battery full drains, *read this*

On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 04:43, Ross Burton wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 07:15, Joe Wreschnig wrote:
> >  - Don't leave it in the laptop while it's in mains power.
> My LiIon battery gets heavy use. Twice a day (on the way to work, and
> back again) I use it for 1.5 hours, typically compiling code. I used to
> go from 100% to 25%, but now I just make it to work before its down to
> 4% and about to suspend.
> I then get to work, and plug it into the mains all day. Are you
> suggesting that when I put my laptop into the mains, once the battery
> has changed I should remove it from my laptop?

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: It does if the battery keeps charging, which it might or
might not. Modern batteries often contain smart circuitry that governs
how they charge. This generally helps lengthen the battery life (unless
you have a Thinkpad, where the smart part is actually very dumb), by
doing things like stopping the charge process at 100%. Unfortunately, I
don't know what batteries have what kinds of smart charging procedures,
so I just leave all of mine off mains when they're charged.

At the very least, I find taking the battery out helps the laptop run
cooler. :)
Joe Wreschnig <piman@sacredchao.net>

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