Re: Installing XFree 86 4.3 on my laptop
On Thursday 14 August 2003 03:00, Norman Walsh wrote:
> I've recently upgraded to "unstable" (silly me, perhaps).
> I don't know if it's related or not, but my XIG AccelleratedX driver
> has stopped working. So I wanted to give the XFree 86 4.3 drivers another
> try. (I've recovered my system with the 4.2 drivers in unstable.)
> So putting
> deb ../project/experimental main contrib
> non-free
> in /etc/apt/source.list gets me the experimental drivers.
> But when I try to install, for example, xserver-xfree86 it says I have
> the most recent version.
> Given that xserver-xfree86 exists in both the 'unstable' and the
> 'experimental' versions, how do I get apt-get to do the right thing?
apt-get install -t experimental xserver-xfree86
but that won't upgrade all xfree packages, you'll have to get the list by
... or tell your system that experimental is the default release, by adding in
your /etc/apt/apt.conf the following line :
APT::Default-Release "experimental";
"I have sampled every language, french is my favorite. Fantastic language,
especially to curse with. Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de
saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère. It's like wiping your ass
with silk! I love it." -- The Merovingian, in the Matrix Reloaded
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