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First timer attempting to start from scratch with installation of all on laptop. HELP!!!

Hello there,
You may not have time to assist me with my problem and maybe to you NOT A PROB!
My IT friends never have time, but when they want a video done I'm always there.
I give up...friendships are worn out.
Could you please help me, or if you can't , can you advise me on who is possibly able.
Thank you
Tania B
I really don't know where to begin. I bought the Dell Latitude CPxH500GT from a ligitimate auction.
It is as follows;       Pentium III-500, 128MB, Vid memory(8MB), Level 2 cache - 256MB
                            BIOS Version A05
I need to install drivers for everything. Where do I start?
I do have Win '98 or ME op sys
I look forward to your reply or advise.

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