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Suspending successfully from X-windows

Some notebooks seem to suspend OK from a virtual terminal, but not from 
X-windows.  I had that problem and found a solution.  The setup here is a 
Gateway Solo3350 with a Phoenix NoteBIOS 4.0 release 6.0 (serial 25.04). 
This trick may apply also to other notebooks using that same BIOS.  

I assume that you already have APM set up correctly so that you can 
suspend successfully from, e.g., virtual terminal #1.  Be sure that you 
have installed the debian package "console-tools".  It contains the two 
little utilities: fgconsole and chvt.  If an unprivileged user is to 
suspend the notebook, these two files must be made suid root.  (I don't 
think that is much of a security risk on a notebook.)

Now add the following at the very beginning of /etc/apmd_proxy, so that 
the start of that file should look like this:

if [ -x fgconsole -a -x chvt ]; then
[ $(fgconsole) -eq $XVT ] && chvt $XVT
# The four previous lines allow "suspend" from Xwindows.
# XVT should be set to the virtual console from which X is run.
# Files /usr/bin/fgconsole and /usr/bin/chvt must be
#    set suid root if a general user is to use suspend.
# These four lines must be AT THE START of /etc/apmd_proxy.
# The BIOS evidently stops the display asynchronously, so
#    we must get there first.

What it does is to "change" to the virtual terminal that X-windows is 
using, typically #7, just before the BIOS shuts the display down.  Timing 
seems be crucial.  It DOES NOT WORK to put this functionality in 
/etc/apm/event.d .  That is too late.

It is very nice to just close the lid on your kde desktop and then have it 
right there when you open it again.  :-)

Oliver Johns <ojohns@metacosmos.org>
San Francisco, California USA
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