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Re: Thinkpad 600E memory & Potato

In article <[🔎] 200207030633.QAA06399@thucydides.inspired.net.au>,
"Martin Schwenke" <martin@meltin.net> wrote:

> From memory, you have to lie and tell it that it has a little less
> memory than it really has (about 2 or 3 MB less).  I also have a vague
> recollection that if you use a 2.4 kernel it will figure out how much
> memory is there and use it all.

Thanks - I set it to 127mb and that seems to have fixed it (though when
I modified lilo.conf, I upset the apm settings..)

I've not seen a clear explanation of how to use multiple 'append'
commands in lilo.conf. Eventually I put it in as below:

append="apm=on mem=127m"

That seems to have worked.. I guess the next step is an upgrade, though
I don't have a fast enough connection to attempt downloading it. Before
installing Patato, I tried installing Mandrake (had a recent copy from
a magazine). Xfree86 4.xx seems to work a good deal better with the
laptops graphic adaptor than 3.3.6 from Patato. I guess I'll have to do
a bit of hunting and see if I can get my hands on some cds.

Thanks for the help.


Marwick Computer Services - Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, UK
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