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Re: Synaptics TouchPad driver (for ACER TravelMate and other machines)

Werner Heuser <werner.heuser@web.de> writes:

> The Synaptics TouchPad driver (XFree86 4.x) is programmed by 
> Stefan Gmeiner. It works with the ACER Travelmate and
> probably other laptops (please let me know your results). 
> The touchpad driver has the following functions (some functions 
> require features from the touchpad that must be present,
> multifinger taps for example): 
> - Movement with adjustable, non-linear acceleration and speed (Options:
> MinSpeed, MaxSpeed, AccelFactor)
> - Button events through short touching of the touchpad (Options:
> MaxTapTime, MaxTapMove)
> - Double-Button events through double short touching of the touchpad 
> - Dragging through short touching and holding down the finger on the
> touchpad
> and more.


Just tried this driver - I didn't know it existed before. I'd had troubles with
the synaptics support in GPM (pointer disappearing and reappearing, erratic
movement, etc). This driver doesn't appear appear to have those difficulties.

There seem to be a few issues on my Compaq Evo N160, however:

* the right mouse button doesn't generate any pointer events

* the four-way directional buttons all generate a button 5 press (is it
  possible to have it generate 5/6/7/8? or configure the buttons? I'd like to
  use one of the directions as a middle mouse button, and the others for a
  scroll-wheel type affair. As long as the numbers are independent then I can
  probably reconfigure the order with xmodmap.

* scrollarea doesn't seem to be picked up - do i need to fiddle with the
  boundries of the device? is there a convenient way to show the max extents of
  the device?)

* I also had to add the core pointer option to my settings - it might be nice
  to add that directive in the example in INSTALL

Thanks for the great work. :-)

> You may download a binary or source code at
> http://mobilix.org/software.html
> There are some problems with newer versions of the protocol (firmware),
> please let Stefan know, if you have any specs or solutions. 
> Please direct questions to me.

Damien Elmes

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