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Debian and archives and Proliant oldies....


Is there an archive of this mailing list?  I recently installed Windows XP
Professional (booo!), and forgot that it eats all your e-mail when you
install any new outlooks.

I recently got my hands on a Compaq Proliant 3140 Double Ugly Delux, and
wanted to put Linux on it.  Right at the moment it's running Windows NT 4.0.
I did some googling around, and it looks like Compaq did something really
odd with the SCSI controller, and the general opinion seems to be that Linux
wont' see the SCSI controller Compaq used at all.  Anyone have any
familiarity with this machine or the controller and found a way of using it
in linux or am I going to need to spring for a new RAID controller?


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