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Re: advice take two (but laptop specific)

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>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Barnes <mbarnes@pacifier.com> writes:

Mark> I solve this irritating problem on my 800x600 display by setting
Mark> the virtual display to 1024x768 in my XF86Config file:


I used to do that, but I found it more problematic than helpful.  I have
a system monitor (gkrellm) stuck to the side of my screen, but it didn't
help that I could only see it half the time!  I also found the scrolling
around to be a bit disorienting.

Now I find myself just maximizing most of my windows, and switching
between them with Ctrl-Tab (which I've set sawfish up to do).

One thing that I do find useful, though, is multiple desktops, which I
think that almost all modern wm's support.  (TWM is one exception that I
know of, but whether or not it counts as a modern wm ...)

- -- 
Hubert Chan <hackerhue@geek.com> - http://www.geocities.com/hubertchan/
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