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Re: APM and Suspend on IBM Thinkpad

William McKee wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been lurking on the list here for the last month while I've been
> setting up a Debian Linux system (slink upgraded to potato running
> kernel 2.2.14) on a Thinkpad 755CD. It's been a poignant and,
> oftentimes, frustrating experience but also exhilirating to be moving off
> the reliance of MS and Win*.

> Anyhow, I'm just about finished the install and have a couple questions:
>  1) when I try to suspend the laptop by closing the case or using
> 'apm -s', nothing happens. Using the command, I get an error message
>  'Cannot open APM device: Permission denied'
> However, I am able to start apm and have it notice AC off-line/on-line
> events. Could someone explain the meaning of this error?

It sounds like a permissions problem to me, I assume you are executing the
command as your user login?  There are three ways around this: One use the sudo
package to allow your users to run the command with root permissions. Otherwise
you may be able to create a unique group for the file which can be added to your
users other groups using the useradd & groupadd commands (for details type  "man
useradd"), to do this you will need to learn about user and group permissions
(other commands you will need are chown and chmod you can also find out about
these using the man or howto commands or check under /usr/doc/HOWTO for further
information).  Finally you can  "su root" on the command line, you will be then
asked for the root password, you will have to do this every time you want to
execute the command although it will be usefull in the short term.

>  2) I am trying to understand the SystemV boot/shutdown sequences
> but coming from the DOS/Win* world am having some difficulties. Could
> someone give me a good technical reference article or FAQ about how
> this all works?

I bought a book, considering the savings you make on the operating system and of
course the complexity of linux, I found I needed a good reference guide, I also
use all the free documentation I can find, I can't recall the exact
documentation you will need perhaps someone else on the list knows?

Best Regards,

Peter Firmstone.

> Thanks in advance,
> William
> --
>  william@knowmad.com
>  www.knowmad.com
>  On the farm in Lopez, WA
> --
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