Re: Problems leaving computer on overnight
I have been doing the same test at work with a Micron PC. I would second
the sluggishness and I am finding it wierd that the clock works for some
time then stops updating until I move my mouse.
---- "Bryan K. Walton" <> wrote:
> Greetings to the list.
> First, thank you to everyone who continues to provide usefull
> and
> helpful advice for me regarding the maintenance of my Debian machine.
> OK, now on to my present problem:
> I have a Thinkpad 390E (266mhz and 128 meg of Ram) running Debian frozen
> at my place of work. Historically, I have shutdown my laptop every
> night
> and then rebooted every morning. But, as I understand that Linux doesn't
> need to be rebooted all of the time, I thought I would start to leave
> it
> running, but it presents me with some problems.
> I have apm disabled in the bios. But when I come in each morning,
> my computer is CREEPING. From the wdm login screen, it takes about
> 5
> minutes to load Gnome. But even if it loads, it then takes another
> minute
> to open any program such as Netscape. When I run top, nothing shows
> up
> odd. The only way I have found to fix this problem is to reboot.
> Is there a program out there that I need to install to fix
> this? Is this a bug in frozen? How can I, or should I give my computer
> a
> "jolt" of energy?
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Bryan Walton
> --
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