Purchasing a laptop::Anyone fully satisfied with theirs?
I hope this is not to far off topic. I am purchasing a new laptop for
the Science Journal at my school. I was hoping that I could get some
feed back on fairly recent laptops that are around $3000 and *fully*
functional under debian. I was hoping for something like the following;
~14 inch 1024x768 (at least) 24 bit color
Built in:
Track point
>= 6gig HD
128 Mb ram
fastest processor for the money.
Any feedback at all would be very appreciated. TIA
Frisco Rose "By any other name, I would smell the same"
E.O.U. Student rosef@eou.edu (541) 962-2987
Science Journal Ed. scijou@scijou.eou.edu
EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
La Grande, OR. 97850
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