debian-l10n-swedish May 2016 by thread
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- [DONE] po-debconf://{cinder,metche,manila,diaspora-installer}pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{cinder,metche,manila,diaspora-installer}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- ddp://manuals.sgml/maint-guide/maint-guide.pt_BR.sgml Martin Bagge / brother
- ddp://manuals.sgml/securing-howto/pt-br/developer.sgml Martin Bagge / brother
- ddp://manuals.sgml/securing-howto/pt-br/copyleft.sgml Martin Bagge / brother
- ddp://manuals.sgml/securing-howto/pt-br/sec-tools.sgml Martin Bagge / brother
- ddp://manuals.sgml/securing-howto/pt-br/titletoc.sgml Martin Bagge / brother
- man://debuild/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- po://dpkg/pt_br.po Martin Bagge / brother
- po://debian-installer/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- po://po4a/web/po/www/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- po://po4a/po/pod/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- po://iso-codes/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{chemical-structures,chkrootkit,ckermit,cmucl,common-lisp-controller}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{acidbase,amanda,astk,auctex,bandwidthd}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{base-passwd,bilibop,biomaj,byobu,ceilometer}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] ddp://manuals.sgml/maint-guide/maint-guide.pt_BR.sgml Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] ddp://manuals.sgml/securing-howto/pt-br/copyleft.sgml Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] ddp://manuals.sgml/securing-howto/pt-br/developer.sgml Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] ddp://manuals.sgml/securing-howto/pt-br/sec-tools.sgml Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] ddp://manuals.sgml/securing-howto/pt-br/titletoc.sgml Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] man://debuild/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po://debian-installer/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po://dpkg/pt_br.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po://iso-codes/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po://po4a/po/pod/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po://po4a/web/po/www/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] ddp://refcard/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{condor,cpuburn,dbconfig-common,debian-edu-install,distcc}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{distributed-net,dma,dnprogs,dokuwiki,durep}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{evolution,firebird2.5,fontconfig,fortunes-de,fortunes-fr}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{fprobe-ulog,fs2ram,fwknop,fwlogwatch,gitolite3}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{glide,glpi,gnocchi,gpr,graphite-carbon}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{icinga,icinga-web,igaelic,ilohamail,imanx}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{iog,irda-utils,isdnutils,italc,kdesudo}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{kerberos-configs,libapache-sessionx-perl,libdvd-pkg,libguestfs,libphone-utils}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{linux-patch-grsecurity2,lsh-utils,macchanger,macchanger,memtest86+}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{mgetty,mimedefang,miniupnpd,mistral,mldonkey}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{mod-mono,moon-buggy,mrtg,msmtp,muse}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{mxallowd,mysql-5.6,mythtv-status,nagvis,nbd}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{netmrg,norwegian,nova,nsca,nss-pam-ldapd}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{ntlmaps,nvidia-graphics-driver,oneliner-el,open-iscsi,pam}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{pdsh,phabricator,phalanx,phamm,phonon}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{plan,playmidi,plptools,postsrsd,publicfile-installer}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{qpid-cpp,rally,remem,rlinetd}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{sbox-dtc,shadow,simba,sitesummary,slashem}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{slbackup,slbackup-php,snort,tmpreaper,towitoko}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{uswsusp,util-vserver,vdr,virtualbox-ext-pack,webcit}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{wims,yubico-pam,z88dk,zaqar}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://{tpb,tunapie,tvtime,up-imapproxy,uptimed}/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://diaspora-installer/sv.po Jonatan Nyberg
- [BTS#822663] po-debconf://diaspora-installer/sv.po Jonatan Nyberg
- pluxml 5.5-1: Please update debconf PO translation for the package pluxml Tanguy Ortolo
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] wml:// Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po://debian-installer/level1/sublevel3/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po://debian-installer/level1/sublevel5/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po://debian-installer/level2/iso-codes/iso_3166-3.24.pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] man://debuild/debuild Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://glide/po_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po://iso-codes/iso_3166/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po-debconf://kismet/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [DONE] po://shadow/po/pt_BR.po Martin Bagge / brother
- [BTS#824020] po-debconf://pluxml/sv.po Martin Bagge / brother
- debian-security-support 2016.05.11: Please update debconf PO translation for the package debian-security-support Santiago R.R.
- Re: Debian refcard: call to update translation for Swedish Holger Wansing
- adduser 3.115: Please update the PO translation for the package adduser Helge Kreutzmann
- adduser: Please update the PO translation for the package adduser Helge Kreutzmann
The last update was on 13:22 GMT Wed Jun 05. There are 92 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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