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Re: I want to help

Mande? If you don't like our way of managing and translating packages,
just pick another gnu/linux distribution, but don't come to our sacred
ground speaking in that low english and talking about how hard is our

If you're still interested, just help us by translating following the
guidelines for that purpose.


PD: Y este es el grupo de traductores al español, aquí somos
hispanohablantes en su mayoría, no hace falta comunicarnos en inglés
dentro del grupo entre nosotros.

El 30/11/15 a las 19:46, Jesús Israel Perales Martínez escribió:
> Hi i want to help but the process is some tedious, why not uses a one
> platform for this ?, or simple git with github, I know the traditional
> culture of debian proyect and I'm just giving an idea but I can respect
> their current process.

Free Software Foundation Associate Member #9537
Manuel "Venturi" Porras Peralta

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