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Re: traducere menu-section

Eddy Petrisor wrote:
#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: image manipulation
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Prelucrare imagini"

De ce nu "Grafică" ? Aici intra si vizualizatoarele.

#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: scientific programs
msgid "Science"
msgstr "Ştiinţă"


#.  Second level entry under "Apps"
#.  Menu policy definition: technical stuff
msgid "Technical"
msgstr "Tehnice"

"Tehnică", te rog, pentru consistenţă şi claritate

#.  Second level entry under "Games"
#.  Menu policy definition: games played on a board
#.  Board-style games such as Mastermind, Yahtzee, Mahjongg
msgid "Board"
msgstr "Table"

Ceva nu imi place aici... alte sugestii?

#.  Second level entry under "Games"
#.  Menu policy definition: amusements, eye-candy, etc.
#.  Very small things which are often not really games
#.  Such as Xeyes....
msgid "Toys"
msgstr "Jucărele"

Desi înţeleg ce ai vrut să faci aici, propun "Jucării"

#.  First level entry
#.  Menu policy definition: programs that affect the whole screen
#.  This entry is about screen saver/locking systems
#.  (see the following entries)
#.  Most often, literal translations to the word for "Screen"
#.  in your language will NOT be correct
#.  Try using what you use for "screen" in "screensaver" for your language
msgid "Screen"
msgstr "Imagine ecran"

grrr, nu imi place deloc cum suna... poate a mai tradus careva ceva similar.
În lipsă de o idee mai bună, sunt de acord

#.  Second level entry under "Screen"
#.  Menu policy definition: screen savers
#.  Refers to "Screen" as "trigger the screensaver"
#.  Most often the common word for "Save" as in File/Save
#.  will NOT be appropriate
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Economizoare energie"

asta suna si mai rau ca anteriorul... nu am alte idei

#.  Second level entry under "Screen"
#.  Menu policy definition: things that fill the root window
#.  will handle things that deal with the screen background, for instance
msgid "Root-window"
msgstr "Fereastră root"

"fereastra de baza" ? "imaginea de baza" (asta cred ca e deja departe)

"Fereastră rădăcină" - sună OK, şi e şi exact dpdv tehnic
(e vorba de fereastra din vârful ierarhiei de ferestre a X-ului).


Iulian Ursache-Dogariu     | iulianu  at |  GPG Key ID:  0x92B1C594
jabber:iulianu@jabber.org  | gmx dot net |  http://www.jayomega.net

                -- "Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
                    Learn as if you were to live forever." (Gandhi)

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