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Re: Release announcement for Etch -- help needed by translators

sab 7 aprile 2007, alle 19:10 (GMT+0200), Alexander Schmehl ha scritto
su debian-www:
> As you might know, we are really short before releasing etch.  Since
> Joey is on vacation, I have the pleasure to send out the announcement :)
> An annoucement has been written with the help of the people on the
> -publicity and -l10n-english mailing list.  I think it would be ready to
> be translated to other languages as well.
> The announcement is available at
> http://people.debian.org/~tolimar/release.txt (and soon .wml).
> It would be great if you could translate it in time so the anouncement
> would be in all kind of languages in place.
> Talking about "in time"... well... actually I can't tell you what "in
> time" means exactly.  It will be "really, really soon now", but I can't
> give you an exact timestamp (yet).
> So I think the best way to do it, would be to translate it, and let me
> do the work regarding commit and send out work when etch is finally
> released.
> Sorry, I know it's not the best "timeline", especially since many of you
> might be celebrating eastern with your families, but so far I have no
> better idea :(

Ma proprio a Pasqua? :-))

Non so se qualcun altro lo ha gia` tradotto, ho provato a farlo io ma in
alcuni punti penso di aver fatto una schifezza.

Ecco il risultato (che *senza* un'approvazione *NON* mandero`):

>> http://people.debian.org/~tolimar/release.wml

>> <define-tag pagetitle>Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 released</define-tag>
>> <define-tag release_date>2007-04-08</define-tag>
<define-tag pagetitle>Rilasciata Debian GNU/Linux 4.0</define-tag>
<define-tag release_date>2007-04-08</define-tag>

>> <p>The Debian Project is pleased to announce the official release of Debian
>> GNU/Linux version 4.0, codenamed <q>etch</q>, after 21 months of constant
>> development.  Debian GNU/Linux is a free operating system which supports
>> a total of eleven processor architectures and includes the KDE, GNOME
>> and Xfce desktop environments.  It also features cryptographic software
>> and compatibility with the FHS v2.3 and software developed for version
>> 3.1 of the LSB.</p>
<p>Il Progetto Debian ha il piacere di annunciare il rilascio ufficiale
di Debian
GNU/Linux versione 4.0, alias <q>etch</q>, dopo 21 mesi di continuo
sviluppo. Debian GNU/Linux &egrave; un sistema operativo libero che supporta
un totale di undici famiglie di processori ed include gli ambienti
desktop KDE, GNOME e Xfce. Supporta inoltre software criptografico
ed &egrave; compatibile con FHS v2.3 e con software sviluppato per la versione
3.1 di LSB.</p>

>> <p>Using a now fully integrated installation process, Debian GNU/Linux 4.0
>> comes with out-of-the-box support for encrypted partitions.  This
>> release introduces a newly developed graphical frontend to the
>> installation system supporting scripts using composed characters and
>> complex languages; the installation system for Debian GNU/Linux has now
>> been translated to 58 languages.</p>
#caratteri composti ?????
#linguaggi complessi ????
<p>Grazie ad un sistema di installazione ora pienamente integrato,
Debian GNU/Linux 4.0
&grave; pronta all'uso con partizioni cifrate. Questa
release introduce una nuova interfaccia grafica del
sistema di installazione che supporta script utilizzanti caratteri composti e
linguaggi complessi; il sistema di installazione di Debian GNU/Linux
&egrave; ora
tradotto in 58 lingue.</p>

>> <p>Also beginning with Debian GNU/Linux 4.0, the package management system
>> has been improved regarding security and efficiency.  Secure APT allows
>> the verification of the integrity of packages downloaded from a mirror.
>> Updated package indices won't be downloaded in their entirety, but
>> instead patched with smaller files containing only differences from
>> earlier versions.</p>
#Secure APT ????
<p>Un'altra nuova caratteristica di Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 &egrave; nel
sistema di gestione dei pacchetti
del quale &egrave; stata migliorata la sicurezza e
l'efficienza: Secure APT permette
la verifica dell'integrit&agrave; dei pacchetti scaricati da un mirror.
L'aggiornamento dell'indice dei pacchetti non avviene pi&ugrave;
riscaricandoli interamente ma
scaricando solo dei piccoli file contenenti solo le differenze con le
precedenti versioni.</p>

>> <p>Debian GNU/Linux runs on computers ranging from palmtops and handheld
>> systems to supercomputers, and on nearly everything in between.  A total
>> of eleven architectures are supported including:  Sun SPARC (sparc), HP
>> Alpha (alpha), Motorola/IBM PowerPC (powerpc), Intel IA-32 (i386) and
>> IA-64 (ia64), HP PA-RISC (hppa), MIPS (mips, mipsel), ARM (arm), IBM
>> S/390 (s390) and &ndash; newly introduced with Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 &ndash; AMD64
>> and Intel EM64T (amd64).</p>
<p>Debian GNU/Linux gira su una gamma di computer che va dai palmari
ai supercomputer e su quasi tutto quello che si trova in mezzo. Sono
supportate in
totale undici architetture:  Sun SPARC (sparc), HP
Alpha (alpha), Motorola/IBM PowerPC (powerpc), Intel IA-32 (i386) e
IA-64 (ia64), HP PA-RISC (hppa), MIPS (mips, mipsel), ARM (arm), IBM
S/390 (s390) e, novit&agrave; introdotta con Debian GNU/Linux 4.0, AMD64
ed Intel EM64T (amd64).</p>

>> <p>Debian GNU/Linux can be installed from various installation media such
>> as DVDs, CDs, USB sticks and floppies, or from the network.  GNOME is
>> the default desktop environment and is contained on the first CD, the K
>> Desktop Environment (KDE) and the Xfce desktop can be installed through
>> two new alternative desktop images.  Also newly available with Debian
>> GNU/Linux 4.0 are multi-arch CDs and DVDs supporting installation of
>> multiple architectures from a single disc.</p>
#lasciare non tradotto  desktop environment ????
<p>Debian GNU/Linux pu&ograve; essere installata da diversi supporti come
DVD, CD, dispositivi USB e floppy oppure tramite rete. GNOME &egrave;
l'ambiente desktop di default ed &egrave; contenuto nel primo CD, l'ambiente
Desktop K (KDE) ed il desktop Xfce possono essere installati tramite
due nuove immagini desktop alternative. Un'ulteriore nuova
caratteristica di Debian
GNU/Linux 4.0 sono i CD multi-arch e i DVD supportanti l'installazione di
architetture multiple con un singolo disco.</p>

>> <p>Debian GNU/Linux can be downloaded right now via bittorent (the
>> recommended way), jigdo or HTTP;  see <a href="$(HOME)/CD/">Debian GNU/Linux on CDs</a> for
>> further information.  It will soon be available on DVD and CD-ROM from
>> numerous <a href="$(HOME)/CD/vendors">vendors</a>, too.</p>
<p>Debian GNU/Linux pu&ograve; ora essere scaricata mediante bittorent (metodo
raccomandato), jigdo or HTTP;  si veda <a href="$(HOME)/CD/">Debian
GNU/Linux su CD</a> per
ulteriori informazioni. Sono anche disponibili DVD e CD-ROM da parte di
numerosi <a href="$(HOME)/CD/vendors">venditori</a>.</p>

>> <p>This release includes a number of updated software packages, such as the
>> K Desktop Environment 3.5 (KDE), an updated version of the GNOME desktop
>> environment 2.14, the Xfce 4.4 desktop environment, the GNUstep desktop
>> 5.2, X.Org 7.1, OpenOffice.org 2.0.4a, GIMP 2.2.13, Iceweasel (an
>> unbranded version of Mozilla Firefox 2.0.3), Icedove (an unbranded
>> version of Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5), Iceape (an unbranded version of
>> Mozilla Seamonkey 1.0.8), PostgreSQL 8.1.8, MySQL 5.0.32, GNU Compiler
>> Collection 4.1.1, Linux kernel version 2.6.18, Apache 2.2.3, Samba
>> 3.0.24, Python 2.4.4 and 2.5, Perl 5.8.8, PHP 4.4.4 and 5.2.0, Asterisk
>> 1.2.13, and more than 18,000 other ready to use software packages.</p>
<p>Questo rilascio include numerosi pacchetti software aggiornati, come il
K Desktop Environment 3.5 (KDE), una versione aggiornata del GNOME desktop
environment 2.14, il Xfce 4.4 desktop environment, il GNUstep desktop
5.2, X.Org 7.1, OpenOffice.org 2.0.4a, GIMP 2.2.13, Iceweasel (una
versione <q>unbranded</q> di Firefox 2.0.3), Icedove (una versione
di Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5), Iceape (versione <q>unbranded</q> di
Mozilla Seamonkey 1.0.8), PostgreSQL 8.1.8, MySQL 5.0.32, GNU Compiler
Collection 4.1.1, Linux kernel versione 2.6.18, Apache 2.2.3, Samba
3.0.24, Python 2.4.4 and 2.5, Perl 5.8.8, PHP 4.4.4 and 5.2.0, Asterisk
1.2.13 e pi&ugrave; di 18.000 altri pacchetti software pronti per l'uso.</p>

>> <p>Upgrades to Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 from the previous release, Debian
>> GNU/Linux 3.1 codenamed <q>sarge</q>, are automatically handled by the
>> aptitude package management tool for most configurations, and to a
>> certain degree also by the apt-get package management tool.  As always,
>> Debian GNU/Linux systems can be upgraded quite painlessly, in place,
>> without any forced downtime, but it is strongly recommended to read the
>> release notes for possible issues.  For detailed instructions about
>> installing and upgrading Debian GNU/Linux, please see the <a href="$(HOME)/releases/etch/releasenotes">release notes</a>.  Please note that
>> the release notes will be further improved and translated to other
>> languages in the coming weeks.</p>
<p>L'aggiornamento a Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 dalla precedente versione, Debian
GNU/Linux 3.1 alias <q>sarge</q>, &egrave; automaticamente gestito dallo
strumento di
gestione dei pacchetti aptitude per la maggior parte delle
configurazioni e, in parte,
anche dallo strumento apt-get. Come sempre,
i sistemi Debian GNU/Linux possono essere aggiornati senza quasi
preoccuparsene, sul posto,
senza spegnimenti forzati, ma &egrave fortemente raccomandato di leggere le
note di rilascio per possibili problemi. Per istruzioni dettagliate
sull'installazione e
e l'aggiornamento di Debian GNU/Linux si vedano le
<a href="$(HOME)/releases/etch/releasenotes">note di rilascio</a>. Si fa
presente come le
note di rilascio saranno ulteriormente migliorate e tradotte in altre
lingue nelle prossime settimane.</p>

>> <h2>About Debian</h2>
<h2>Su Debian</h2>

>> <p>Debian GNU/Linux is a free operating system, developed by more than
>> thousand volunteers from all over the world who collaborate via the
>> Internet.  Debian's dedication to Free Software, its non-profit nature,
>> and its open development model make it unique among GNU/Linux
>> distributions.</p>
<p>Debian GNU/Linux &egrave; un sistema operativo libero, sviluppato da
pi&ugrave; di
mille volontari provenienti da tutto il mondo che collaborano via
Internet. La dedizione di Debian al Software Libero, la sua natura
non-profit ed
il suo modello di sviluppo aperto la rendono unica tra le distribuzioni

>> <p>The Debian project's key strengths are its volunteer base, its dedication
>> to the Debian Social Contract, and its commitment to provide the best
>> operating system possible.  Debian 4.0 is another important step in that
>> direction.</p>
<p>I punti di forza del progetto Debian sono la sua base volontaria, la
sua dedizione
al Contratto Sociale Debian ed il suo sforzo di fornire il miglior sistema
operativo possibile. Debian 4.0 &egrave; un altro importante passo in questa

>> <h2>Contact Information</h2>
<h2>Per contattarci</h2>

>> <p>For further information, please visit the Debian web pages at
>> <a href="$(HOME)/">http://www.debian.org/</a> or send mail to
>> &lt;press@debian.org&gt;.</p>
<p>Per ulteriori informazioni, si visitino le pagine web Debian a
<a href="$(HOME)/">http://www.debian.org/</a> o si scriva a

Ave       Johan Haggi
ante diem septimum Idus Apriles MMDCCLX ab Urbe condita
**NEW** GnuPG key-id: 0x398F1A73 (available on http://keyserver.linux.it)
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