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Re: German-Language Wheezy DVDs for booths, installparties etc. available

Quoting Mika Pflüger (debian@mikapflueger.de):
> Hi,
> with kind support from credativ[1] we were able to make Debian 7.0
> Wheezy multi-arch install DVDs just in time for Linuxtag in Berlin. As
> we figured other Debian events would find good use for some DVDs as
> well, we made some more, so if you are organizing a booth, an install
> party, a (late) wheezy release party or similar event and would like to
> give away some Debian DVDs, you can contact me. Currently I have about
> 1200 DVDs left (of originally 2000), so don't be shy. The text at the
> back of the DVDs is in German, so they are most useful at events with
> mostly German-speaking visitors.
> tl;dr: email me if you want some Debian DVDs for your Debian event.

(from debian-events-eu)

But I always heard from german fellow developers that german
localization is horrible, that nobody ever wants to use it, that the
work of german translators ist nicht gut and schmekts and blablabla.

It seems that if such DVDs are used at german events, it might not be
entirely  true after all, then.

Eh. ;-)

So, german translators, keep up with the good work despite
criticisms. It seems that normal people *are* using your work.

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