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Re: Erster Vorschlag für manpages-de

Am Montag, den 26.07.2010, 19:43 +0200 schrieb Helge Kreutzmann:
> Hallo Tobias,
> bei einigen der Beispiele von Dir steht oben drin:
> .\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.37.1.
> Und comm (als Beispiel) ist übersetzt. Da sollten wir überlegen, ob
> wir die nicht einfach »nur« mit help2man neu generieren, dann sollten
> die Handbuchseiten aktuell bleiben (und Fehler an das Ursprungspaket
> melden).

Ich habe das jetzt so umgesetzt. Die entstandenen Handbuchseiten sind
als Beispiele unter
anzusehen. Es sind nicht alle Zeichenketten übersetzt, so dass einige
Dateien auch englische Texte enthalten (z.B. mktemp.1). Dafür sind die
Seiten aber aktuell. Was wollen wir mit solchen Seiten machen?

Um die Kurzbeschreibung (bei .SH NAME) ebenfalls zu übersetzen, ist eine
separate Datei notwendig. Ich habe diese hier angehängt; wer Lust hat,
kann sich gerne an die Übersetzung wagen. Es sind knapp 100
Zeichenketten. Das Format ist zwar nicht .po, aber hoffentlich trotzdem
- Name der Handbuchseite
- Doppelpunkt als Trenner
- Entweder "original" oder "translation"
- Doppelpunkt als Trenner
- Die eigentliche Zeichenkette

Um eine neue Übersetzung hinzuzufügen, muss man einfach die Zeile
kopieren und das Wort "original" durch "translation" ersetzen. Beispiele
finden sich bei arch.1, comm.1, dd.1 und uname.1.

Schönen Gruß

Tobias Quathamer | Early to bed and early to rise and you'll
Hamburg, Germany | be groggy when everyone else is wide awake.

arch.1:original:print machine hardware name (same as uname -m)
arch.1:translation:Ausgabe des Maschinen-Hardwarenamens (identisch zu uname -m)
base64.1:original:base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output
basename.1:original:strip directory and suffix from filenames
cat.1:original:concatenate files and print on the standard output
chcon.1:original:change file security context
chgrp.1:original:change group ownership
chmod.1:original:change file mode bits
chown.1:original:change file owner and group
chroot.8:original:run command or interactive shell with special root directory
cksum.1:original:checksum and count the bytes in a file
comm.1:original:compare two sorted files line by line
comm.1:translation:Zeilenweiser Vergleich zweier sortierter Dateien
cp.1:original:copy files and directories
csplit.1:original:split a file into sections determined by context lines
cut.1:original:remove sections from each line of files
date.1:original:print or set the system date and time
dd.1:original:convert and copy a file
dd.1:translation:Umwandeln und kopieren einer Datei
df.1:original:report file system disk space usage
dir.1:original:list directory contents
dircolors.1:original:color setup for ls
dirname.1:original:strip last component from file name
du.1:original:estimate file space usage
echo.1:original:display a line of text
env.1:original:run a program in a modified environment
expand.1:original:convert tabs to spaces
expr.1:original:evaluate expressions
factor.1:original:factor numbers
false.1:original:do nothing, unsuccessfully
fmt.1:original:simple optimal text formatter
fold.1:original:wrap each input line to fit in specified width
groups.1:original:print the groups a user is in
head.1:original:output the first part of files
hostid.1:original:print the numeric identifier for the current host
id.1:original:print real and effective user and group IDs
install.1:original:copy files and set attributes
join.1:original:join lines of two files on a common field
link.1:original:call the link function to create a link to a file
ln.1:original:make links between files
logname.1:original:print user\'s login name
ls.1:original:list directory contents
md5sum.1:original:compute and check MD5 message digest
mkdir.1:original:make directories
mkfifo.1:original:make FIFOs (named pipes)
mknod.1:original:make block or character special files
mktemp.1:original:create a temporary file or directory
mv.1:original:move (rename) files
nice.1:original:run a program with modified scheduling priority
nl.1:original:number lines of files
nohup.1:original:run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty
nproc.1:original:print the number of processing units available
od.1:original:dump files in octal and other formats
paste.1:original:merge lines of files
pathchk.1:original:check whether file names are valid or portable
pinky.1:original:lightweight finger
pr.1:original:convert text files for printing
printenv.1:original:print all or part of environment
printf.1:original:format and print data
ptx.1:original:produce a permuted index of file contents
pwd.1:original:print name of current/working directory
readlink.1:original:print value of a symbolic link or canonical file name
rm.1:original:remove files or directories
rmdir.1:original:remove empty directories
runcon.1:original:run command with specified security context
seq.1:original:print a sequence of numbers
sha1sum.1:original:compute and check SHA1 message digest
sha224sum.1:original:compute and check SHA224 message digest
sha256sum.1:original:compute and check SHA256 message digest
sha384sum.1:original:compute and check SHA384 message digest
sha512sum.1:original:compute and check SHA512 message digest
shred.1:original:overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it
shuf.1:original:generate random permutations
sleep.1:original:delay for a specified amount of time
sort.1:original:sort lines of text files
split.1:original:split a file into pieces
stat.1:original:display file or file system status
stdbuf.1:original:Run COMMAND, with modified buffering operations for its standard streams.
stty.1:original:change and print terminal line settings
sum.1:original:checksum and count the blocks in a file
sync.1:original:flush file system buffers
tac.1:original:concatenate and print files in reverse
tail.1:original:output the last part of files
tee.1:original:read from standard input and write to standard output and files
test.1:original:check file types and compare values
timeout.1:original:run a command with a time limit
touch.1:original:change file timestamps
tr.1:original:translate or delete characters
true.1:original:do nothing, successfully
truncate.1:original:shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
tsort.1:original:perform topological sort
tty.1:original:print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input
uname.1:original:print system information
uname.1:translation:Ausgabe der Systeminformationen
unexpand.1:original:convert spaces to tabs
uniq.1:original:report or omit repeated lines
unlink.1:original:call the unlink function to remove the specified file
users.1:original:print the user names of users currently logged in to the current host
vdir.1:original:list directory contents
wc.1:original:print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
who.1:original:show who is logged on
whoami.1:original:print effective userid
yes.1:original:output a string repeatedly until killed

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