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Re: Bug#520033: gitosis: [INTL:de] Updated German translation of debconf template

Hello Bernhard,
Bernhard R. Link schrieb:
> * Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org> [090317 07:01]:
>> A very frequent argument (not sure if that's the case here) is when an
>> English term that's judged "commonly accepted" by the maintainer is
>> translated by the l10n team and the maintainer sees the translation as
>> "funny" or "ridicule".
> This is only one of the problems with wordlists (but one where an
> wordlist actually makes sense).
> There are two other problems:
> [SNIP]
> Thus harmonisation - when used without thought - can often be harmful.
> Also there are often other things to harmonize with. There is no use
> in using the same translation in some package as in all other packages
> for a word, if that word is translated differently in already translated
> documentation contained that package or its upstream's website.

Well, I can't claim, that I check the entire documentation or the entire
upstream website when I do a translation, but in this case I think »repository«
was used in the VCS-way. And other VCS (e.g. SVN) have it translated like the
wordlist suggests. And in this special case I'm quite sure »Depot« isn't that
bad. So, as you say »wordlist usage without thought is bad«, but in this case I
thought actually about it. But even if there is a valid reason for changing
something I'd appreciated a notification. Especially because I'm still listed as
Last-Translator which might lead to the point that someone complains to me about
»my« translation and I don't have a clue what that person is meaning.

> A case where you simply cannot win are generalisations in the original
> language, especially if they are computer jargon.
> You can try to find a uniform translation, but if you are the first to
> try for some language, it will just be jargon in the target language,
> too. Even worse, jargon you invented and noone understands.

I think that was the case here.


P.S.: As you're active on the German l10 list and didn't object to my
translation I might assume you were happy with it. ;) (Yes I know, nobody reads
every RFR. *g*)


Kai Wasserbäch (Kai Wasserbaech)

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