apt-listchanges: Please update the PO translation for the package apt-listchanges
You are noted as the last translator of the translation for
apt-listchanges. The English template has been changed, and now some messages
are marked "fuzzy" in your translation or are missing.
I would be grateful if you could take the time and update it.
Please send the updated file as a wishlist bug
against apt-listchanges.
The deadline for receiving the updated translation is
Wednesday, October 08, 2008.
Thanks in advance,
# german po-file for apt-listchanges
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation
# Leonard Michlmayr <leonard.michlmayr@ap.univie.ac.at>, 2002.
# Jens Seidel <jensseidel@users.sf.net>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt-listchanges 2.3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-01-08 23:33+CET\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-02-01 15:28+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jens Seidel <jensseidel@users.sf.net>\n"
"Language-Team: German <debian-l10n-german@lists.debian.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.4\n"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:80
msgid "database %s failed to load.\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:97
msgid "Unknown frontend: %s\n"
msgstr "Unbekanntes Frontend: %s\n"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:120
msgid "%s: will be newly installed"
msgstr "%s: wird erstmals installiert"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:129
msgid "%s: Version %s has already been seen"
msgstr "%s: Version %s wurde schon einmal angezeigt"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:162
msgid "News for %s"
msgstr "Neuigkeiten für %s"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:173
msgid "Changes for %s"
msgstr "Änderungen für %s"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:183
msgid "Informational notes"
msgstr "Anmerkungen"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:186
#, fuzzy
msgid "apt-listchanges: News"
msgstr "apt-listchanges: Neuigkeiten für %s"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "apt-listchanges: Changelogs"
msgstr "apt-listchanges: Changelogs für %s"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:197
msgid "Aborting"
msgstr "Breche ab"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:200
msgid "Confirmation failed, don't save seen state"
msgstr "Bestätigung schlug fehl, speichere »gesehen«-Status nicht"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:206
msgid "apt-listchanges: changelogs for %s"
msgstr "apt-listchanges: Changelogs für %s"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:210
msgid "apt-listchanges: news for %s"
msgstr "apt-listchanges: Neuigkeiten für %s"
#: ../apt-listchanges.py:222
msgid "didn't find any valid .deb archives"
msgstr "konnte keine gültigen .deb-Archive finden"
#: ../apt-listchanges/ALCConfig.py:74
msgid "Usage: apt-listchanges [options] {--apt | filename.deb ...}\n"
msgstr "Verwendung: apt-listchanges [Optionen] {--apt | Dateiname.deb ....}\n"
#: ../apt-listchanges/ALCConfig.py:129
msgid "Unknown option %s for --which. Allowed are: %s."
msgstr "Unbekannte Option %s für --which. Erlaubt sind: %s."
#: ../apt-listchanges/ALChacks.py:32
msgid "Can't set locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct!\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../apt-listchanges/AptListChangesGtk.py:68
msgid "Continue Installation?"
msgstr ""
#: ../apt-listchanges/AptListChangesGtk.py:68
msgid "You can abort the installation if you select 'no'."
msgstr ""
# FIXME: s/ !/!/
#: ../apt-listchanges/DebianFiles.py:161
msgid "Ignoring `%s' (seems to be a directory !)"
msgstr "Ignoriere »%s« (scheint ein Verzeichnis zu sein!)"
#: ../apt-listchanges/apt_listchanges.py:45
msgid ""
"Wrong or missing VERSION from apt pipeline\n"
"(is Dpkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::Version set to 2?)\n"
msgstr ""
"Falsche oder fehlende VERSION von der apt-Pipeline\n"
"(ist Dpkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::Version auf 2 "
#: ../apt-listchanges/apt_listchanges.py:86
msgid "Mailing %s: %s"
msgstr "Sende E-Mail an %s: %s"
#: ../apt-listchanges/apt_listchanges.py:111
msgid "The %s frontend is deprecated, using pager"
msgstr "Das Frontend %s ist veraltet, benutze den Pager"
#: ../apt-listchanges/apt_listchanges.py:115
#, fuzzy
msgid "The mail frontend needs a installed 'sendmail', using pager"
msgstr "Das Frontend %s ist veraltet, benutze den Pager"
#: ../apt-listchanges/apt_listchanges.py:127
msgid ""
"The gtk frontend needs a working python-gtk2 and python-glade2.\n"
"Those imports can not be found. Falling back to pager.\n"
"The error is: %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../apt-listchanges/apt_listchanges.py:180
msgid "Do you want to continue? [Y/n]? "
msgstr "Wollen Sie fortsetzen? [J/n]? "
#: ../apt-listchanges/apt_listchanges.py:193
#: ../apt-listchanges/apt_listchanges.py:213
#: ../apt-listchanges/apt_listchanges.py:221
msgid "Reading changelogs"
msgstr "Lese Changelogs"
#: ../apt-listchanges/apt_listchanges.py:221
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Fertig"
#~ msgid "%s exited with status %d"
#~ msgstr "%s mit Status %d beendet"
#~ msgid "%s exited with signal %s"
#~ msgstr "%s mit dem Signal %s beendet"
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