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Re: Bug#700193: [www.debian.org] French: "Le coin des nouveaux membres Debian" claims each DD can connect to most Debian systems

Le 9 février 2013 20:03, David Prévot <taffit@debian.org> a écrit :
> Le 09/02/2013 14:27, Filipus Klutiero a écrit :
>>>   * peut se connecter sur la plupart des systèmes que Debian fait
>>>     fonctionner ;
> […]
>> The third point is fortunately wrong. The original version is "can log
>> in on most systems that keep Debian running;", which could be translated
>> to "peut se connecter sur la plupart des systèmes qui permettent au
>> projet Debian de fonctionner ;".
> No

I think Filipus's attempt tries to avoid the risk of some one
understand the sentense as : "a DD can connect to most computer
running Debian so to my computer too. -> there is a backdoor known
only by DD".
I think it's a good idea to remove this (wrong) way of understanding
the sentence.

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Brûlez des arbres!!

-- envoyé depuis ma centrale à charbon

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