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[TAF] po://module-assistant/fr.po

Le paquet Debian natif module-assistant est internationalisé mais n'est
pas encore traduit en français.

Merci au volontaire de répondre à ce courriel avec un sujet 
"[ITT] po://module-assistant/fr.po""

Comment procéder pour traduire :

-utiliser le fichier POT attaché à ce mail

-le mettre dans un répertoire chez vous, par exemple

-le copier sous le nom fr.po (IMPORTANT, cela permet de garder

-l'éditer et traduire, de préférence avec un outil dédié genre kbabel
ou poedit (ou emacs et son po-mode s'il ne vous enquiquine pas trop)

-ne pas oublier de remplir les champs :

Project-Id-Version: --> mettre ici le nom du paquet et sa version au
moment de la traduc est une bonne idée
Last-Translator: --> le plus souvent votre outil mettra tout seul
VOTRE adresse
Language-Team: --> mettez "French <debian-l10n-french@lists.debian.org>\n"

-envoyer le fichier ici pour relecture avec le sujet "[RFR] po://module-assistant/fr.po

-une fois "suffisamment" de relectures envoyées et la synthèse faite,
postez un "[LCFC] po://module-assistant/fr.po" de préférence en
"réponse" à votre RFR

-envoyez alors un rapport de bogue à l'auteur du paquet. Ci-dessous
mon script "bug-trad" à moi, à utiliser "bug-trad module-assistant"

reportbug --attach=fr.po --include="/home/bubulle/src/debian/translation/po/patch-translate.txt" --offline -s "$1: French translation" --severity=wishlist --tag=patch --tag=l10n --no-config-files --package-version="N/A" $1

Le contenu du fichier patch-translate.txt :

Please find attached the french translation, proofread by the
debian-l10n-french mailing list contributors.

This file should be put as fr.po in the appropriate place in
your package build tree.

Une fois reçu le numéro du bogue postez une dernière fois dans
debian-l10n-french un mail avec le sujet 
"[BTS] po://module-assistant/fr.po #xxxxxx"

où xxxxxx est le numéro du bogue.

Ces informations sont destinées à renseigner le suivi automatique de
l'avancement des traductions :

Signification des abréviations utilisées sur debian-l10n-french:

[TAF] : « Traduction A Faire ». Ce message indique que tel ou tel
        document est à traduire
[ITT] : « Intent To Translate » ou Intention de Traduire
        Le document mentionné va etre traduit par l'émetteur de ce
        Il devient « propriétaire » de la traduction
[RFR] : « Request For Review » ou Demande de relecture (DDR)
        Le traducteur demande à qui le veut bien de relire ce document
        Merci de fournir ensuite un fichier diff unifié de préférence
        et de placer votre relecture en réponse au RFR, dans la liste
[LCFC]: « Last Chance For Comments » ou Derniers Commentaires (RELU)
        Le traducteur va bientot envoyer ou "commiter" cette traduction
        Depechez-vous si vous avez des modifications a suggérer
[BTS] : « Bug Tracking System » ou Système de Gestion des bogues
        C'est un message purement technique pour les robots de tenue de
        statistiques : le traducteur a créé un bogue avec cette traduction
        La traduction n'est en général pas jointe au message
[DONE]: Travail terminé sur ce document
        C'est un message purement technique pour les robots de tenue de
        statistiques : la traduction a en fait été intégrée. Pas la peine de
        le faire quand un BTS existe car le robot d'analyse le fera lui-meme
        Ce marqueur est utilisé dans des cas particuliers où il est 
        nécessaire de "fermer" un travail en cours.
[HOLD]: Il n'est pas nécessaire de travailler sur ce document. Il est
        probablement déjà traduit mais cela n'apparait pas sur les pages
        d'état en raison d'un cas particulier quelconque.

Les pseudo-URLs:

On désigne les documents sous forme de pseudo-URL:


 po : traduction des messages d'un programme
 po-debconf : traduction des écrans debconf d'un paquet Debian
 man : traduction d'une page de manuel

 c'est souvent le nom du paquet ou celui de la page WWW

 c'est la langue...donc en général "fr" pour le français


# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-04-15 01:51+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: ../module-assistant:49
msgid ""
"  module-assistant update\n"
"  module-assistant [options] COMMAND [ packages ]\n"
"module-assistant is the toy to get debianized source of kernel modules,\n"
"build module package from it and install them. The most frequently used\n"
"command may be auto-install followed by alli argument.\n"
"  update - refresh internal information about the packages\n"
"  unpack - unpacks the tarballs of specified packages (or similar action)\n"
"  get - download/install the source (package) and unpack if needed\n"
"  build - build the specified package(s)\n"
"  list - print information about installed/available/compiled packages\n"
"  install - install the generated binary modules DEB package with dpkg\n"
"  auto-install - the whole process, get & build & install (abbreviated: a-"
"  prepare - install headers for the current kernel and set the linux "
"  clean - quick clean of the source (eg. wiping the build directory)\n"
"  purge - removes cached data and existing modules packages\n"
"  la (alias for \"list all\"), li (= \"list all installed\"), search (= "
"\"list -p\")\n"
"Package arguments:\n"
"  Source package name(s). If -src or -source is omited, name\n"
"  completion will try to guess the package name. If 'all' the first\n"
"  argument, the list will be expanded to all packages. 'alli' will be\n"
"  expanded to \"all installed\".\n"
" -h, --help        Print this help screen\n"
" -v, --verbose     Be verbose, show full paths, etc.\n"
" -q, --quiet       The oposite of verbose\n"
" -n, --no-rebuild  Don't rebuild when any useable modules package for \n"
"                   this kernel exists (even an old one)\n"
" -i, --non-inter   Don't stop on build failures, auto-install deps when "
" -o, --unpack-once Unpack the source only once after source upgrade or "
" -s, --apt-search  Search for installation candidates in the Debian archive\n"
" -f, --force       Force duplicated work: source package reinstallation,\n"
"                   rebuild though existing packages are found, etc.\n"
" -u, --userdir     Specifies a (writeable) replacement directory for /var&/"
" -k, --kernel-dir  List of kernel headers/source directories, comma "
" -l, --kvers-list  List of kernel versions to work on (default: current "
"Lists in options are strings separated by commas, spaces or new lines.\n"
"  m-a update ; m-a a-i nvidia ; echo Enjoy!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:99
msgid ""
"Warning: the selected module source is known to require a complete\n"
"kernel source structure in order to be built correctly. However, only\n"
"a reduced version of the source (kernel-headers) has been found, so\n"
"the build process will probably fail.\n"
"In order to get a full kernel source, you have the following options:\n"
" - fake the source directory - create one that may look very similar\n"
"   to the one that has been used to build your kernel (based on its\n"
"   configuration and fresh source archive). The results are uncertain,\n"
"   but it should work in most cases.\n"
"   Call \"module-assistant fakesource\" to automate this.\n"
" - use a custom kernel built from scratch (custom configuration,\n"
"   custom source, custom kernel package installed). Please read the\n"
"   Kernel HOWTO and/or make-kpkg documentation for the further steps."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:246 ../module-assistant:249
msgid "module-assistant, error message"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:263
msgid "Press Return to continue... (ctrl-c to abort)"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:272
#, perl-format
msgid "%s is not a directory!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:273
#, perl-format
msgid "%s is not writeable!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:283
msgid "Found sudo, will use it for apt-get and dpkg commands."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:287
msgid ""
"Warning: sudo not found. Automatical package installations not possible!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:313
msgid ""
"Bad luck, the kernel headers for the target kernel version could not\n"
"be found and you did not specify other valid kernel headers to use."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:319
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"However, you can install the header files for your kernel which are "
"by the %s package. For most modules packages,\n"
"this files are perfectly sufficient without having the original kernel "
"To install the package, run"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:323
msgid ""
" the PREPARE command from the main menu,\n"
"or on the command line"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:323
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"module-assistant prepare\n"
"apt-get install %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:337
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"If the running kernel has been shipped with the Debian distribution,\n"
"please install the package %s. If your kernel\n"
"source tree (or headers) is located in some non-usual location, please\n"
"set the KERNELDIRS environment variable to the path of this directory,\n"
"or (alternatively) specify the source directory we build for with the\n"
"--kernel-dir option in module-assistant calls."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:380
msgid "Updating cached package data"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:380
msgid "Reading apt-cache output..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:386
#, perl-format
msgid "Updating info about %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:398
#, perl-format
msgid "Updated infos about %s packages"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:398
#, perl-format
msgid "Updated infos about %s package"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:407
#, perl-format
msgid "%s."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:410
#, perl-format
msgid "Kernel headers available in %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:417
msgid "Creating symlink..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:418 ../module-assistant:426
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't create the %s/linux symlink!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:431
msgid "Installing packages needed for the build environment..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:434
msgid "Done!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:455
msgid "PROBE:"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:458
msgid "GOT NAME:"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:492
#, perl-format
msgid "%s, what is %s?"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:560
#, perl-format
msgid "Installation of the %s source failed."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:562
msgid ""
"Ignoring this package. Maybe you need to add something\n"
"to sources.list, maybe the contrib and non-free archives."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:609
msgid "$KPKG_DEST_DIR is not set and the target directory"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:610
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"%s is not writeable for you!\n"
"Your build will probably fail!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:656
#, perl-format
msgid "Recently built package %s found, not rebuilding %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:661
#, perl-format
msgid "Target package file %s already exists, not rebuilding!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:687 ../module-assistant:710
#, perl-format
msgid "Building %s, step %d, please wait..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:687
msgid "Build starting..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:710
msgid "Build continues..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:725
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Done! Run\n"
"m-a install %s\n"
"to install."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:737 ../module-assistant:1218 ../module-assistant:1266
msgid "module-assistant, interactive mode"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:737
#, perl-format
msgid "Build of the package %s failed! How do you wish to proceed?"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:737
msgid "Examine the build log file"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:737
msgid "Skip and continue with the next operation"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:737
msgid "Stop processing the build commands"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:742 ../module-assistant:1224
msgid "Dialog command not working correctly!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:745
msgid "module-assistant, log file viewer"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:756
#, perl-format
msgid "Build failed! See %s for details!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:759
#, perl-format
msgid "Done with %s ."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:764
msgid "Build failed. Press Return to continue..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:803
#, perl-format
msgid "Package %s was not built successfully, see %s for details!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:805
msgid "You maybe want to run \"auto-install\" instead of install."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:814
msgid "Direct installation failed, trying to post-install the dependencies"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:838
msgid ""
"Warning, the cache is empty. You maybe wish to run\n"
"the command \"module-assistant update\" first!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:854
#, perl-format
msgid "%s (source) available (not up-to-date, V: %s vs. %s)"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:857
#, perl-format
msgid "%s (source) installed (V: %s):"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:864
#, perl-format
msgid "%s (source package not installed):"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:896
msgid "not found, possible candidate(s) installable with apt-get:"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:899
msgid "package not found, but following is already installed:"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:905
msgid "not found"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:910
msgid "-- Binary package(s) for kernel(s):"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:926
msgid ""
"Some packages could not be found. The \"search\" command can search in the "
"package pool for precompiled packages."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:930
msgid "No data? You maybe want to run \"module-assistant update\" first."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1017
msgid ""
"Experimental kernel source recreating method...\n"
"Getting source..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1020
msgid "Config not found, getting headers to extract the config..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1027
msgid "Extracting pristine kernel source, please wait..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1029
msgid "Installing to final location and configuring, please wait..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1052
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Faked kernel source for the Kernel %s.\n"
"Warning: the configuration may not match the running kernel."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1083
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Warning, %s seems to contain unconfigured kernel source (see manpage for "
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1087
#, perl-format
msgid "Warning, %s does not contain a valid kernel source tree, skipping!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1123
#, perl-format
msgid "Warning, %s seems to contain unconfigured kernel source!"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1159 ../module-assistant:1164 ../module-assistant:1169
#: ../module-assistant:1180 ../module-assistant:1186 ../module-assistant:1191
#: ../module-assistant:1195 ../module-assistant:1200
msgid "No package specified. STOP."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1199
msgid ""
"Do you really wish to remove all binary packages?\n"
"If so, use the --force option."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1211
msgid "Starting the Dialog UI..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1218
msgid ""
"Welcome to the dialog frontend of module-assistant. This user interface "
"provides access to the few commands of this program."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1218
msgid "If you wish to learn more, choose the OVERVIEW option."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1218
msgid "You should better run UPDATE once before you proceed."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1218
msgid ""
"If you wish to look for existing module packages for your needs or wish to "
"compile a new one from source, choose them in the SELECT dialog and continue "
"with possible commands."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1218
msgid "Show all possible command line commands"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1218
msgid "Update the cached package information"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1218
msgid "Configure the system to compile modules"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1218
msgid "Select the module/source packages to work on"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1218
msgid "Exit the program"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1230
msgid "module-assistant, command overview"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1238
msgid "Press Return to continue..."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1249
msgid "module-assistant, package selection"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1249
msgid "Please select the interesting module (source) packages."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1249
msgid "Use Cursor keys to browse, Space to select and Return to continue."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1249
msgid "Cancel to return to the main menu."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1266
msgid "You have selected the following packages:"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1268
msgid ""
"Choose one of the following commands to proceed or Cancel to return to the "
"selection menu."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1268
msgid "List installed (binary) packages"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1268
msgid "List and search with apt-cache"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1268
msgid "Get or update the source package"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1268
msgid "Compiles module packages for the current kernel"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1268
msgid "Installs the packages for the current kernel"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1268
msgid "Returns to the module selection"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1283
msgid "module-assistant, present packages"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1296
msgid "module-assistant, source installation"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1296
msgid ""
"The source package may not to be installed. Would you like to install or "
"upgrade selected source packages now?"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1305
msgid "module-assistant, package installation"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1305
msgid "Would you like to install the created module package(s) now?"
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1332
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"NOTE: You are not root but member of the src group. Mapping the base working "
"directory to \"%s\"."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1340
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"You are member of the src group and but the replacement directory\n"
"%s could not be created."
msgstr ""

#: ../module-assistant:1349
msgid ""
"You are not root and no replacement directory (the -u option)\n"
"is specified. Unable to continue."
msgstr ""

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